On Display
Object type
Gold memento mori finger ring, with 1 transparent stone containing image of a skull, set in a square setting with champleve enamel inscription on band, 1735

Memento mori ring


Metal ring, circular, set with 1 transparent square stone, the band bears a champleve enamel inscription, 1735



Metal memento mori finger ring, set with transparent stone with a skull underneath, champleve inscription on band, 1731

Memento mori ring


Remains of the models of silk machinery introduced from Italy by Sir Thomas Lombe, Derby, England, c. 1732; the remains being: a reel, three spindles with bobbins and flyers and a segment of a circular frame, all half size.

Remains of the models of silk machinery introduced by Sir Thomas Lombe


Weather compendium combining cistern mercury barometer, alcohol thermometer and thread hygrometer by George Graham, Fleet Street, London, 1739

Weather compendium by George Graham


A photographic print from the Daily Herald Archive folder: Industry » Agriculture » Vegetables - Potatoes.

A photographic print of Vegetables - Potatoes


Return of overcharges, The Kington and Eardisley Railway Company, Blank form for return of overcharges.

The Kington and Eardisley Railway Company


Gelatin silver print entitled 'Mr & Mrs Phillips lived with their three children (4,3 & 1 1/2 years) in a council owned slum house. A few years before Mr Phillips was earning £30.40 as a spot welder and they lived in a new council house. Then Mr P began going blind (a danger of his trade) he lost his job, fell into rent arrears was evicted into this sub-standard property-no bath, no hot water, outdoor lavatory. They live on £10.15 per week'. See interview P17 "Happy Christmas"'. Photograph by Nick Hedges.

Mr & Mrs Phillips…


This graphite pencil drawing of the Great Nebula in Orion was made by John Frederick William Herschel (1792-1871) while on a trip to South Africa in 1835. Herschel was able to draw the nebula with the aid of a 20 feet reflector telescope at 'Feldhausen' in the Cape of Good Hope. The drawing is probably one that is referred to in his diary entry for the date, Sunday 4 January 1835.

The Great Nebula in Orion as seen in the 20 feet Reflector at Feldhausen - Cape of Good Hope

Sunday 4 January 1835

Two "Tenby Pilot" double wall switches made of phenol formaldehyde, made in England, 1929-1940

Two double electrical wall switches


Poids de Marc weight, 1735, in black fishskin case. Made at l'Enseigne de L'A, Rue St Denis, Paris

Weight in fishskin case


Verge watch movement

Verge watch movement


Verge watch movement

Verge watch movement


Watch, verge movement

Watch, verge movement


Bronze adze blade probably early dynastic, c.3000 B.C.

Bronze adze blad

circa 3000 BCE

Coloured postcard. London & North Western Railway. Third Class Picnic Saloon. Exterior and interior views. Revised series. Published November 1904. Published November 1904. (Printed by McCorquodale & Co Limited).

Coloured postcard. London & North Western Railway. Third Class Picnic Saloon


Coloured postcard. London & North Western Railway. Queen Victoria's Saloons. Exterior and interior views. Revised series. Published November 1904. (Printed by McCorquodale & Co Limited).

Coloured postcard. London & North Western Railway. Queen Victoria's Saloons


The Art of Metals (Ores) in which is taught the true method of treating by mercury those of gold and silver: the manner of smelting them all and how they are to be refined and separated from one another / Alvaro Alonso Barba. [357 ts. leaves. 1952 translation made by Oswald Hardey Evans in Valparaiso, Chile of an 1817 reprint (in Lima) of the original Spanish version of ca.1640]

The Art of Metals ....

circa 1640; 1817; 1952

Illumni sui Charissimi Josephi Ball calculorum Rationem experimens Libellus Quemq. Tuulis ornavit Powell. 1733. [Ms. vol., with ornamentally drawn title page and headings in English and French. Book chiefly of titles to the various rules of arithmetic. Bears ms. pencil note on inside front cover: 'The book of Joseph Ball the very dear pupil of Powell; being an exposition of the method of calculation: illustrated with headings by Powell']

Illumni sui Charissimi Josephi Ball calculorum Rationem experimens Libellus Quemq. Tuulis ornavit Powell


[French technical drawings re Newcomen atmospheric engine erected at Fresnes, near Conde in northern France, 1737. 3 sheets, ink and colour wash. The engine at Fresnes has "some claim to distinction, as it was chosen by the celebrated architect Bernard Forest de Belidor for illustration and description in his well-known work Architecture Hydraulique (1737)" [H.W. Dickinson, A short history of the steam engine, 1938], after which engravings these three drawings were probably executed. With ink sketch re same, 23 x 16.5cm, and 'Memoire pour l'intelligence de la machine a feu...', 7p. ms., on 2 leaves, each 32 x 40cm folded to 32 x 20cm. With also another ink and colour wash drawing, 33.5 x 26cm, of an unidentified atmospheric engine, slightly different from the Fresnes design]

French technical drawings re Newcomen atmospheric engine erected at Fresnes


[Stationery bills (2) issued to Charles Babbage]/William Creswick, papermaker, John St, Oxford St, 1841 Dec & 1843 Apr. [The bills are for cartridge paper ruled to order]

Stationery bills issued to Charles Babbage


Circular bronze medal, commemorates Pope Clement XII and also quarantine hospital(?) built in a harbour, designed by O. Hamerani, Italian 1734

Circular bronze medal


Silver medal commemorating the burial of a saint(?) or moving of her relics, she is shown on the reverse protecting the city, European, 1740

Silver medal commemorating the burial of a saint(?


Silver medal, possibly commemorates agriculture and commerce relating to Breslau and Silesia, artist's initials WK, medal Silesian, 1737

Silver medal


Silver medal, possibly commemorates agriculture and commerce relating to Breslau and Silesia, artist's initials W.K., medal Silesian 1737

Silver medal


Bronze medal commemorating the Society of the Royal Academy of Surgeons, Louis XV, on obverse, by Duvivier, French, 1731

Bronze medal commemorating the Society of the Royal Academy of Surgeons


Medal, bronze gilt, issued probably as prize by School of Surgery, Paris 1731, French, 1731

Medal, bronze gilt


Bronze medal to commemorate the third year of office of Pope Clement XII, by Hamerani and Vanvitel, Italy, 1734

Bronze medal to commemorate the third year of office of Pope Clement XII


Marble copy of a Greek(?) statue of Homer, original possibly 4th to 2nd century BC, copy possibly 1800-1920


1800-1920; 400-200 BCE

Standard printing press converted to an occupational therapy device, hand operated by pulling a handle to strengthen limbs weakened through accident or illness, can be rigged to exercise any part of the body, assembled by hospital workshops, type and additional composing equipment included, 1930-70.

Standard printing press converted to an occupational therapy device


Plaster copy of female bust, original probably Roman, 100BC-200AD, replica made 1901-1940

Plaster copy of female bust

100 BCE-200 CE; 1901-1940

Hammer head, bronze, with restored wooden handle, Graeco-Roman, 500BC-500AD

Hammer head

1851-1930; 500 BCE-500 CE

Two flint drill Heads and Sandstone Block used for testing similar drills, found on the site of the Temple of Zoser Saqqara, c.3000 BCE

Sandstone blockhead

3000 BCE

Large hand magnifier, European, early 19th century

Large hand magnifier, European, early 19th century


Pocket case of drawing instruments, c. 1740

Pocket case of drawing instruments, c. 1740


Extracts from regulations for working single lines of railway on the Electric Train Tablet or Electric Train Staff Block System for the guidance of Enginemen, Guards and others concerned. 43 page booklet produced by the London & North Western Railway.

Train Signalling Regulations

January 1923

Bronze shaving razor, Egyptian, 2000BC-1301BC

Bronze shaving razor, Egyptian, 2000BC-1301BC


Green slate cosmetic grinding slab in form of two pigeons, Egyptian, 4000-3000 BCE

Green slate cosmetic grinding slab in form of two pigeons

4000-3000 BCE

Plaster copy of female bust, original probably Roman, 100BC-200AD, replica made 1901-1940

Plaster copy of female bust

100 BC-200 CE; 1901-1940

Bottle, clear glass, empty, for liquorice lozenges, English, late 19th century

Bottle, clear glass


Faience Eye of Horus amulet, right eye, Egyptian, 4000 BCE-30 BCE

Eye of Horus amulet

4000-30 BCE

Stone amulet, heart, Egyptian, 4000-30BC

Heart-shaped stone amulet, Egyptian

4000-30 BCE

English delftware syrup jar, decorated in blue and white with the winged angel pattern, labelled V: AEGYPTIA: (Egyptian ointment), used for ulcers especially in the mouth, 1675-1685

English delftware syrup jar


Faience amulet, Anubis, Egyptian, 4000-30BC

Faience amulet, Anubis, Egyptian, 4000-30BC

4000-30 BCE

Lapis lazuli amulet of Thoth, Egyptian, 4000-30BC

Amulet representing the god Thoth

4000-30 BCE

Drawing of apparatus described by Hero AD 50

Drawing of apparatus described by Hero

1897; 50 CE

Plaster replica of a Roman dedication slab, with a relief depicting Aesculapius and Salus (Hygieia), dedicated by a Doctor in the Roman Army in Britain, original probably 180-220, English(?) , cast 1879-1920

Plaster replica of a Roman dedication slab

180-220 CE

Plaster replica of a Greek relief, showing Asklepios (Asclepius; Latin: Aesculapius) and his family and a group of supplicants, original is 4th century BC, cast 1860-1920

Plaster replica of a Greek relief

1860-1920; 499-400 BCE

Quadriceps switch, occupational therapy device, used to link movement from a the front of the top of a leg to a woodwork or printing activity, used to the develop the leg muscles of rehabilitating patients, 1930-70.

Quadriceps switch


Approximately 100 photographs for press adverts promoting the work of the Central Council for Health Education (1927-69), Health Education Council (1969-84) and Health Education Authority (1984-98).

100 health education press photographs
